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June 9 2010
The National Dairy Shrine (NDS) recently announced the winners of the 2009 Graduate Dairy Production, Progressive Dairy Producer, Pioneer, Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder, and Guest of Honor awards....
May 19 2010
April milk production in the top 23 dairy states was up 1.7 percent over last year, according to the USDA NASS Milk Production report released yesterday. This rise in milk production surprised many industry...
May 14 2010
A growing A.I. trend is literally changing the look of the U.S. dairy industry: Herds are becoming more colorful. Black and white still dominates the landscape, but a gradual shift toward color is clearly...
May 13 2010
Two releases in recent days help shed light on the milk price and feed cost scene in the months ahead. USDA's monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates and USDA's Crop Production were released...
April 29 2010
Trying to guess the corn market in the months ahead was among the topics when the financial management team for the Hoard's Dairyman Farm met yesterday. The good news was that our cows just finished eating...
April 29 2010
Trying to guess the corn market in the months ahead was among the topics when the financial management team for the Hoard's Dairyman Farm met yesterday. The good news was that our cows just finished eating...
April 22 2010
There was a 0.9 percent rise in milk production during March in the top 23 dairy states, according to USDA's Milk Production report released earlier this week. That was the second month in a row that milk...
April 1 2010
Farmers plan to plant a record 78.1 million acres of soybeans this year, according to the Prospective Plantings report released by USDA yesterday. That would be a 1 percent jump in bean acres. Corn acreage...
March 22 2010
Maybe we shouldn't have been too surprised with the February Milk Production report released last Thursday. After all, milk production in January had been down just 0.5 percent compared to a year earlier....
March 18 2010
Milk prices will move higher in the years ahead, according to a report to Congress given by FAPRI (the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri). FAPRI makes projections...
March 15 2010
Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco Animal Health, was on hand at the Northeast Dairy Producers Association annual meeting in Liverpool, N.Y., to discuss, "Choice in the food chain and dairy's opportunity...
March 15 2010
Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco Animal Health, was on hand at the Northeast Dairy Producers Association annual meeting in Liverpool, N.Y., to discuss, "Choice in the food chain and dairy's opportunity...
March 1 2010
USDA recently released the 2009 averages for state-by-state milk production, cow numbers, and milk per cow. A detailed report, complete with charts and tables, can be found the in the March 10 issue on...
Feb. 26 2010
The organic milk and meat world will change significantly on June 17, when stricter new regulations defining it go into effect. The new standards were announced by USDA earlier this month after several...
Feb. 25 2010
Cow numbers and milk production may not drop as much this year as expected earlier, according to USDA's dairy outlook report released yesterday. The size of the U.S. dairy herd is expected to decline from...
Jan. 28 2010
Expectations of higher milk per cow during 2010 have resulted in USDA pushing up expected milk production this year and lowering milk price forecasts slightly. The agency still expects cow numbers to average...
Jan. 22 2010
There's been plenty of rain this week (and more is forecast next week) at the home of the world's largest farm equipment show, buoying hopes that dry weather must be in store for World Ag Expo Feb. 9-10-11...
Jan. 19 2010
December milk was down 0.8 percent compared to a year earlier for the top 23 dairy states, reports NASS in its January 19, 2010, Milk Production report. When looking at the entire country, milk production...
Jan. 5 2010
It is not going overboard to say that so far during the 21st century, Jerseys have been one of the dairy industry's hottest trends. Not only does the soaring popularity of small brown cows not show any...